International Dance Practitioner Debora di Centa brings to Australia a wealth of experience and passion on dance practice, performance and events management.
Trinity Laban London trained, Debora has acquired an expertise on the contemporary developments of Rudolf Laban Principles and Practice in Choreological Studies working as a Teacher, Choreographer, Performer and Events Curator.
She currently performs in her own productions, and collaborates with other art-professionals. Her aim and desire is to develop and expose her professional experience to promote contemporary dance-art, the study of human movement and the research and analysis of the development of Contemporary Performance Arts. She approaches her work from a Choreological Perspective. She gives courses and workshops for professionals as well as amateurs, adults, elders and children for community projects and in schools, Conservatoires and Universities. She works through her personal project: Isems Projects.
Visit: www.deboradicenta.me