Butoh Workshop with Yumi Umiumare

Dance, Ritual and Spirituality

Friday 17 to Sunday 19 January 2025
Friday from 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday/Sunday from 10:00am-4:00pm.

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Early Bird prices until 9 December 2024: Full $200 / Concession $170 | Book Now
From 10 December 2024: Full $230 / Concession $200

Photo: Vikk Shayen

CDT is excited to have made a connection with Butoh Artist Yumi Umiumare, and to announce that Yumi is coming to Canberra next January to offer a weekend workshop at CDT.

Over the weekend, Yumi Umiumare will introduce her mastery of body awareness through Butoh, her deep passion for ritual inspired by the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and her recent exploration of Jujutsu (呪術) – a Japanese notion of Shamanism.

This unique workshop series invites participants to explore the intersection of movement, ritual, and spirituality, fostering a deeper connection to themselves, others, and the world around them.

Participants will be guided to explore:

Embodiment and Presence: Fully immerse yourself in the moment, expressing raw emotions and experiences through Butoh. Create simple rituals to enter sacred spaces with mindfulness and intention.

Symbolism and Ritual: Discover the rich symbolism and rituals of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, abstracted through contemporary Butoh styles, focusing on harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.

Mysteries and Magic: Delve into the mysteries of Jujutsu, exploring the spiritual connection between the visible and invisible worlds, where everyday life intersects with the sacred and the profane.

Transformation and Self-Expression: Experience catharsis through movement, ritual, and spiritual exploration, uncovering deep emotions and releasing tension.

Reintegrating these powers into the arts is central to Yumi’s creative practice, and this workshop offers participants a chance to share in that process.

This workshop is open to participants of all experience levels and artistic disciplines.